Requiem for 2020

Summer Sunset on Chicago's Lakefront- From the S/V KARMA

Dear 2020:

In prophetic fashion, we learn the most from that which challenges us the greatest and challenge you did indeed. But even in your finest hour of provocation- you taught us what is most important-each other. You taught us to appreciate the simplicity of living, our great outdoors. You taught us to walk back from the busy schedules, the travel and you allowed us to spend valuable time with those we love the most-family. To rediscover the beauty of the family breakfast, the lunches and dinners. The walks for mental sanity. The short trips for family growth. In all, many, many silver linings in those cloudy skies.

You also took much from us. For some, it was our loved ones. For others perhaps that which was not destined for us. Perhaps, that which did not nurture and call us into our true greatness. But in the end, we've learned much about each other and ourselves. We learned that our differences are our strength and that we should seek to provide an equitable environment where all thrive. So as we bid you farewell today. I would personally like to say thank you. In your challenges, I found blessings. In your difficulties- I found growth. In your pain, I rediscovered love and support. Thank you for reminding me that having tenacity for life is where it is at- yet again. I welcome 2021 with open arms and excitement for what the future holds.

Warmest Regards,


Happy New Year to all, I wish you much prosperity, and good health- may you spend it with those that matter most.


Lou Sandoval is an American entrepreneur whose successful career transcends over 20 years of Fortune 100 experience parlayed into business ownership across several verticals. In his three decades as a business leader, Sandoval has catalogued his thoughts and journeys that will soon be released in a forthcoming book. Lou believes in giving back to his community and has been involved in the Boy Scouts of America's leadership by giving back to youth and the program that fundamentally transformed his life. He serves on public and non-profit boards. Lou is committed to paying it forward through increased educational opportunities, vocational and skill training in STEM and sharing the sport of sailing with underrepresented communities. Opinions expressed here are solely personal and not a representation of any of the organizations with which he may be affiliated.

Copyright© Tenacity For Life- Lou Sandoval- All Rights Reserved

Lou Sandoval

Lou Sandoval is an experienced Executive leader who has held C-Suite leadership positions in the Corporate, private, and non-profit sectors in various domestic and global assignments.

Sandoval’s diverse background spans various disciplines in the technology, durable consumer goods and healthcare sectors. With FORTUNE 100 business experience in executive leadership, sales, marketing and strategic planning- he is a valued top performer and trusted adviser to many companies from Start-up to Fortune 500.

Lou has a diverse range of market experience ranging from Healthcare/Biotech to luxury consumer goods, financial services, Software/technology and entrepreneurship.


Dear 35 Year Old Me…