Lou Sandoval Lou Sandoval

Has this ever happened to you?

(The Following is a Speech that I gave at the US Sailing Board of Director's Meeting in July 2020 to raise awareness that the Sport of Sailing needs to evolve its outlook on being more inclusive if it is to survive. Often, Individuals like myself are hesitant to speak out because we fear retribution for calling out the obvious. However, if not us to speak out, then who?

Sailing like most of boating is perceived as predominantly an activity of being white and wealthy. If Sailing and boating is to transcend generational boundaries and thrive- it is important for a fundamental pivot to occur. There is no better time than the present for that.)

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Unknown Unknown

Making History In the year 2019- One step forward two steps back

I came in off the unusually sunny lakefront deck and entered the crowded room. The club was bustling with activity as the revelry of the St. Patrick’s Day festivities carried into the Mac Bar. I stopped to speak with a few members as I walked through the bar, a few others stopped me to talk and ask how our vacation had gone. As I made my way through the club, I entered the fireside dining room, seated at the first table was a face I hadn’t seen at the club in some time- I remembered him we served on membership committee many years ago. I was very young at the time, a new member that was eager to participate in an organization that fascinated me.

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