The Path Less Traveled Sets You Free
Some personal thoughts on another interesting week for our nation. The path least traveled will set you free.
I've been on this journey for the past 16 months. He self discovery, experiences and emotions uncovers have been surreal. Those I thought I could trust have become untrustworthy, the exfoliation of my former circle inevitable.
The Tenacity to Survive
To say that the past 11-12 months have been a challenge is being neglectful of the journey that I've been on. The significance of this 20th day of November makes me present to how quickly the days fly by.
Forty Days
You fought the good fight, you were tired.
You carried your burden for so long.
You seldom complained after a life of selfless service.
We always knew you were so strong.
A family’s love you showed us in many ways.
Your love lives on, in our hearts today and always.
When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us. —Helen Keller
Trinidad L. Sandoval 12/23/15
Dad’s View of the Eastern Sunrise. His early morning shift surprise.